Wednesday, December 9, 2015

It's potty time!

I don't really see what the big deal is. The humans go potty in the house every day. When I do it they freak out on me. Now I like to get beat as much as the next wiener but come on people.  

This potty thing is a two way street.  They go in the bathroom to potty, I follow and watch. So therefore when I go outside to go potty someone should follow me and watch! It just makes sense right?  

But no. My pets have gotten lazy and just let me out the front and close the door behind me.  Not only do I not like to be apart from them...ever...but they can't even have the decency to come watch me do my business and give me the love I deserve for doing so.

It's also really big and scary out there so I try to stay outside as little as possible.  Why would I brave the outdoors to potty when I could just go inside. When you are seven pounds of lean mean wiener machine there are a lot of things in the outside world that want you.  I can't help being so desirable but it's not the attention I want out there. I prefer to be inside my deliciously climate controlled house, preferably in a humans lap getting stroked.

I don't know If the humans and I will ever see eye to wiener on this.

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